Collected Pipis in Nunguru Harbour on New Years day - Left them to soak in a bucket of salt water over night so they would spit out any remaining sand and then the following morning we steamed them open and ate quite a few. So sweet and juicy! After a rummage in the pantry for ingredients, we cooked up the rest into Pipi Fritters for breakfast. So it went a little something like this....

Whisk 2 eggs
grated lemon rind
pinch of chilli powder
and a couple of finely sliced fresh mint leaves
grated lemon rind
pinch of chilli powder
and a couple of finely sliced fresh mint leaves
mix in 3 tablespoons of flour
2tsp of baking powder
add the coarsly chopped pipis (about a bread n butter plate full)
and 1/4 finely diced red onion
then add sploshes of beer till the desired consistency is reached.
Scoop out of mixing bowl with tablespoon and fry on medium heat in butter or oil. Made about 12 (fed 4 of us). Eat in the sun and enjoy!

pipis were yum i think the beer is the key
did hamish try our fritter creation? Hope so!
Umm that looks so yummy. I did a search for Pipi fritters and found your blog. I will have to try out your recipe.
We are having Waitangi Day celebrations at our home in Rainbow Beach, QLD. Fresh pipis from Fraser Island will be eaton by all the "Local" maoris. boil up and raw fish too.....yummy. Not forgeting the pipi fritters. I will try this one out tomorrow.
Cheers guys and hope your Waitangi Day is as good as ours will be...
Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now keep it up!
I'm a Kiwi living in Maine USA they have Clams here pretty much the same, thought I would try your recipe but with the clams as the people here have never heard of Clam Fritters, thought I would let you know that they were a "Hit" put good ole' NZ on the map thats for sure, so glad I found your site. Cheers!
looks nice i got alot yesterday iledft them soakining in salt water.
im gonaa try them in fritters today i normally have them out of the shell with onion garlic cream and white wine as the sauce THATS NICE TOO :)
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